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Additional Services

Our à la carte services, include:


Far InfraRed Sauna

Detox Ion Footbath

Body Composition and Phase Angle Analysis



TriVibrance™ Essential Oils


See below for more information

Infared Sauna

Far InfraRed Sauna

Quickly and easily remove toxic waste from the body in 30 minutes.


  • Detoxification: Removes 7X more toxic waste than sweating alone

  • Weight Loss: Burns roughly 600 calories in a 30 min. session

  • Pain Relief: Enhances circulation and muscle relaxation

  • Skin Conditions: Penetrates deeply to remove toxic waste from the pores

  • Circulation: Increases circulation to improve tissue oxygenation

  • Relaxation: Helps muscles relax to relieve tension and balance stress hormones


What sets our sauna service apart? Each session includes the use of a Power Step™ Vibrating Platform to help stimulate circulation and lymphatic flow before stepping into the sauna to help take your sauna benefits to the next level.​


For those wanting the convenience of home sauna, we love the Relax Saunas. By clicking here, you can learn more and receive a special price.”


Detox Ion Footbath

You will be amazed when you see the amount

of toxins that leave your body in this 30 minute session.


The system uses negatively-charged ions to stimulate the removal of toxins through the pores of the feet, which happen to be some of the largest pores in your body. Most people experience a feeling of increased energy and mental clarity after a footbath.
It is recommended that most people receive a series of foot baths for optimal benefit.

Cost of 30 minute session is $45; discounted packages available.










“After I had been exposed to the flood waters from the Harvey reservoir release, I was awake night after night with severe leg cramps. Nothing I did would ease the pain. I did one footbath and the pain immediately disappeared. I am so very grateful!”

-T.S., Houston


Alpha-Stim™ Package

The Alpha Stim™ is a non-invasive device that immediately and cumulatively 

releases the effects of stress and trauma.  

The dramatic research results demonstrate that short-term use can decrease anxiety up to 94%.  Cumulative and lasting results are best achieved after just 21 days of daily use for 20-60 minutes.  


The Alpha-Stim™ Package consists of a powerful 1-hour clinical session with

a Holistic Mind Wellness Practitioner 


at home rental of the Alpha-Stim™ for the following 3 weeks. 


Learn more about the Alpha-Stim™ from Heather on Fox 26, and from a recent Dr. Oz episode.


“After a very traumatic year of three family deaths, a job loss and a move, I was pretty spent mentally, physically, but mostly emotionally. Not only was I dealing with tremendous stress but also with anxiety. This is when I knew I had to reach out to my “tribe” at Heights of Health. They gave me a schedule of using the Alpha Stim™ twice daily at 60 minutes for three weeks. I can honestly say that this machine has been a tremendous help. It has totally calmed my anxiety, and has helped me to release my stresses. I am a true believer in the Alpha-Stim™.”



HeartMath emWave® Biofeedback

Train your mind and body to independently and quickly change old ineffective physiological stress responses while improving gut health, cardiovascular health, neurological clarity and emotional resilience.

Biofeedback therapy can help with everything from anxiety, insomnia, inflammation and disease in the body, cardiac imbalances and yes digestive challenges too?


The emWave® Pro is a highly sought-after and scientifically validated biofeedback system that teaches the user to bring the heart, mind and emotions into sync. We call this coherence. When individuals learn how to achieve coherence, research shows profound benefits in gut health, cardiovascular health, neurological clarity and emotional resilience. During these three sessions, you will train your mind and body to independently and quickly change old ineffective physiological stress responses, even when you’re not connected to the emWave software. 


emWave® Package

Three in-clinic training sessions. 

1. 1-hour session where you will learn specialized techniques for managing your own heart rate and stress response while hooked up to the biofeedback technology.

2. 30-minute session where you will continue to hone your coherence skills. 

3. 30-minute session where you will learn to transfer the training techniques into real life.



Image by Chelsea shapouri

TriVibrance™ Essential Oils

Are you ready to let go of that which does not serve you and allow and receive the Vibrant health that is available to you?

In order to truly heal in a holistic manner, we all must address the mind, body, and spirit. The body is a flow system and we must allow in positivity/healing and release negativity/toxicity in order to truly detoxify and rebuild. As emotions can become imprinted on the organs and tissues of the body, these areas can become congested, thus blocking this vital energy flow.
In order to facilitate this process, TriVibrance™ has created 5 very unique and powerful essential oil blends to energetically help you release negative emotional blocks and imprints and allow the flow of higher vibration energy and emotions into and within the body. What makes these oils different and so much more powerful is the proprietary combination of frequencies imprinted upon the therapeutic-grade oils. All blends are ready to apply in 30ml rollerball applicator bottles.

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