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Cheryl Hensley HHP, Reiki Master

Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner
Master MBSR™ Practitioner 

Mind Body Spirit Release™Academy Director of Operations and Lead Instructor

Energy Balancing Practitioner
Reiki Master
Certified ECR™ Practitioner
BioResonance Practitioner
Co-Creator of Present Time Kids™

Got Emotions? Cheryl has solutions.

What would your life be like if you learned you were more powerful than you thought? How would life be if you learned how to manage self-defeating behaviors? What if your emotions could stop ruling your every decision and you could operate from a new perspective?

Cheryl’s philosophy lies in the belief that the mind and body operate interdependently rather than separately. The mind affects the health of the body, and the body influences the
health of the mind. Wellness is a state of balance and harmony where the interaction between the mind, body, and spirit attune the interconnectedness of health.
Cheryl’s sessions help peel away old belief systems, past limitations, and self-defeating programs by gently guiding the subconscious into releasing belief systems which do not serve your greatest and highest good. People often sense they have emotional blocks but
do not know how to get past them. In sessions with Cheryl, she helps her clients recognize both the emotional impact and the physical response to that impact by helping release the embedded cellular memories. She facilitates deeper healing by identifying restorative emotions while teaching science-based brain/body techniques that retrain the brain and nervous system. By recognizing and releasing your conditioned beliefs and expectations, you can restore a new focus and outcome in life. Just as you are not able to see the wind, but you can feel its effects, emotions are invisible yet they exert powerful forces upon you. Cheryl graduated with degrees in Communication and Psychology. She worked for over 10 years in training and marketing. She co-created the mindfulness program, Present Time Kids™, which is implemented in Houston ISD. Cheryl has completed several trainings and certifications for emotional-based healing, including master-level Reiki, which she often incorporates into her sessions. She has taught many classes on the body’s chakra system. Also, she is a certified Children’s Yoga instructor. Through her Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner certification, Cheryl also addresses physical needs and supplementation with her clients. As Cheryl walks in Christian faith, she truly believes she has answered God’s calling for her to practice at Heights of Health.


Cheryl's services within the Body-Mind-Spirit Wellness include:

Mind Body Spirit Release (MBSR) Initial assessments and followups 

Energy Balancing Initial assessment and followups

Family Dynamic Balancing Initial assessment and followups

Holistic Wellness followups

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